

由两位教授和一位教练带领, The Art and Science of Expertise shows students how to merge their passion with science.

杰夫。格林, Erianne Weight and Anson Dorrance stand shoulder to shoulder.
杰夫。格林, Erianne Weight and Anson Dorrance hoped their first-of-its-kind class helped first-year students achieve their goals of and through expertise. (教育学院)

Expertise is an emerging discipline which studies how individuals realize their full potential. 获得专业知识, 虽然, is more complicated than simply spending a significant amount of time doing or learning something. There are actual mechanisms — art and science — that go into the development of expertise in any field.

一个全新的Triple-I - idea, information and inquiry – course reserved for first-year students provides the theory and practice, art and science to help them achieve their goals through expertise.

IDST 125: The Art and Science of Expertise is co-taught by UNC School of 教育 professor 杰夫。格林, sport administration professor Erianne Weight and UNC women’s soccer coach Anson Dorrance.

The class “gives them the knowledge and tools they need to figure out how to pursue expertise in something in a really specific and targeted way,格林说。, a leading re太阳城娱乐城er in educational psychology and learning science.  “What we are teaching helps students pursue whatever it is that they’re passionate about. 我认为这很重要. 它赋予学生自主权和能动性.”

The lessons of IDST 125 help students realize the goals of UNC-Chapel Hill’s IDEAs in Action curriculum to strengthen their ability to think critically, 协同工作和有说服力的沟通.

“这是令人惊异的, 和羞辱, to hear from students about how this course helped them improve their performance on the athletic field, 在教室里, in 企业家ial ventures and even in competitive dance,格林说.


One thing to know about expertise is that the rule popularized by author Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers” – that someone needs to practice a skill for at least 10,000 hours to become an expert in it – is widely misunderstood. 成为专家确实需要花费大量的时间, but it’s the deliberate practice that makes the difference.

That’s where understanding how to perform at the highest levels and lessons from a career of enabling the success of world-class athletes converge.  许多, 如果不是全部, of the concepts talked about in the class are already incorporated in some way in athletic programs, 包括在太阳城娱乐. 在课堂上, 这三位指导员也是教练, guiding students along a process or processes of development.

“You need coaches or loving critics or people that you respect to help accelerate the process so you can get there as fast as possible,多伦斯说, who has led Carolina’s women’s soccer team to 22 national championships. “在整个学期的课程中, what these students are learning is how to get to work instead of giving up on a dream.”


展望未来, the trio is writing an invited article for the Cambridge Handbook on Expertise, surveying all the expertise experts out there and asking them how they think a class like IDST 125 could become a curriculum.

“A course like this is an important overview of the field. We’d love to be able to scaffold a full curriculum with more specific in-depth courses in performance psychology, 数据分析, 团体动力学, 性能生理学, 沟通, and innovation where students can merge their passion with science,重量说。.

Even 虽然 this is only their second year teaching the course, the three hope the class can create new opportunities for students at Carolina and beyond. “这是一个非常值得教授的课程. 我们的学生是否是运动员, 企业家, 音乐家或科学家, it’s really fun to watch them learn how to accelerate their development and apply it to their lives,格林说.
